Tuesday 27 November 2012

Week 10 - Anatomy & Movement

Week 10 - Anatomy Study

This piece was a concentration on the various view points of the human body like video game characters blueprints in which are used to produce 3d models.

Construction lines were used in order to keep the muscles all the right sizes at the right angles however because of this the side and back look slanted due there being no vertical construction lines. There for a better composition should have been applied before hand.

The piece follows the muscles around the male body and uses a low contrast of shading in order to present this.

Again the upper muscles such as the platysma, trapezius and deltoid are much larger than the leg muscles which was an issue last week

Surprisingly the floor was shaded on this piece.

If no study was done on the muscles of the human body then future pieces would struggle to present any understanding and development because knowing where muscles would be placed in situations would be impossible.

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