Wednesday 7 November 2012

Week 7 - Texture

Week 7 - Texture
Final Piece (Bottom Image)
The piece shows a larger amount of contrast than that of my previous work and it also contained far greater preparation than that of week 2 and week 3, as seen on the top image. 

The lighting is off as the shading on the cloth confuses us due to the shadows being pretty much everywhere but if you look at the vase you can see the light source is to the right hand side hence the highlights on the vase. The cloth has also been detailed far more than before so progress is being made on understanding detail in cloth.

The table leg at the bottom of the picture should have been shaded darker as well along with making the vase brighter and shading a floor because it looks like it's floating! A silly mistake.

The focal point is the vase in the middle which goes against the rule of thirds so a mistake was made there but it does contain consideration of the intended line where the viewer will follow the corduroy along to the vases.

The detail in the image benefits both sides as there is an even amount of detail on both sides so the viewer doesn't see that empty space.

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