Wednesday 5 December 2012

Week 11 - Musculature

Week 11 - Musculature 

In this piece of directed study I looked at understanding the human form to a higher degree, understanding where shading needs to be more dynamic and where the focal points tend to be.

Multiple positions were used to achieve a better understanding, a muscular male model was used.

The shading with in the piece is clearly off as they all appear flat and there are very little highlights with in them along with little contrast in the shading.

It was crucial that the drawings focused on multiple muscles around the body the top left and bottom right looked towards the platysma and trapezius where as the top right was the deltoid, pectoralis major and biceps and finally the bottom left which was the quadriceps femoris and sartorius.

The construction lines in this were used on all but the bottom left piece as there was no head to use for measurement.

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