Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Week 10 - Anatomy & Movement

Week 10 - Anatomy Study

This piece was a concentration on the various view points of the human body like video game characters blueprints in which are used to produce 3d models.

Construction lines were used in order to keep the muscles all the right sizes at the right angles however because of this the side and back look slanted due there being no vertical construction lines. There for a better composition should have been applied before hand.

The piece follows the muscles around the male body and uses a low contrast of shading in order to present this.

Again the upper muscles such as the platysma, trapezius and deltoid are much larger than the leg muscles which was an issue last week

Surprisingly the floor was shaded on this piece.

If no study was done on the muscles of the human body then future pieces would struggle to present any understanding and development because knowing where muscles would be placed in situations would be impossible.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Week 9 - Basic Anatomy

Week 9 - Basic Anatomy
Please Note!: Certain areas of the body have been left basic on purpose due to feeling uncomfortable during live sessions.

The final piece at the bottom was a 30 minute sketch which took in factors such as the ideal proportions of the human body, in order to better understand this multiple basic sketches were done before hand (seen above the final piece) the basic sketches took into consideration construction lines which are used to help guide the artist better understand how the skeletal structure would work in a certain pose.

To begin with the concerns the female models trapezius muscle along with the deltoid muscle were poorly drawn so in order to hide this a shaded background was produced and in doing so the model has a nice background to it however yet again a silly mistake was made, no shaded floor! It still looks like the piece is floating in mid air...

The table was used in order to give that three dimensional appeal although if less time was spent on the table more time could've been spent fixing those muscles.

There are also to many lines near the hands which creates a false focal point for the viewer.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Week 8 - Fell ill!

I've had to miss a week out due to falling ill, hopefully next week I can make up for that...

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Week 7 - Texture

Week 7 - Texture
Final Piece (Bottom Image)
The piece shows a larger amount of contrast than that of my previous work and it also contained far greater preparation than that of week 2 and week 3, as seen on the top image. 

The lighting is off as the shading on the cloth confuses us due to the shadows being pretty much everywhere but if you look at the vase you can see the light source is to the right hand side hence the highlights on the vase. The cloth has also been detailed far more than before so progress is being made on understanding detail in cloth.

The table leg at the bottom of the picture should have been shaded darker as well along with making the vase brighter and shading a floor because it looks like it's floating! A silly mistake.

The focal point is the vase in the middle which goes against the rule of thirds so a mistake was made there but it does contain consideration of the intended line where the viewer will follow the corduroy along to the vases.

The detail in the image benefits both sides as there is an even amount of detail on both sides so the viewer doesn't see that empty space.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Week 6 - Still Life: Natural & Man Made Forms

Week 6 - Still Life: Natural & Man Made Forms

Quick Sketches (Top Image)
The sketches are multiple views of a natural and man made piece, they represent the research into what was about to be produced and although it's not considered a finished piece, it shows an understanding of composition in short periods of time along with focal points.

Finished Piece (Bottom Image)
The contrast in lighting is low as the vase and cloth are considered the darker values, this brings out the focal point in which could be considered the cabbage or pumpkin, the implied line takes the viewers eyes around the table starting with the pumpkin which is the brightest object on the table.

The light source would be to the right of the objects hence why the shadows are to the left, the highlights can be seen on the objects such as the pumpkin and the cabbage, this is slightly incorrect as the vase behind the cabbage should have been brighter along with it. The shadows should have been more dynamic and show more contrast in the tones of shading.

Texturing wise the cloth has been shaded far greater than that of the previous weeks in which I explained my cloth shading was poor, this brings that realism to the piece where previously I struggled.

Reflection should have also been considered on the vase.