Sunday 14 October 2012

Week 4 - Light & Shadow

Week 4 - Light & Shadow
Shading Cloth (Bottom Image)
The image shows an understanding of a light source as the shadows appear opposite that of the highlighted area although the bench below the ball and cloth should have been shaded as it destroys our sense of 3d in the image. 

The image can be considered low contrast as there are very little dark values situated with in the piece.

The cloth could've contained far more shading as it looks a little flat with out those creases in it, the top of the image is considered the focal point as that is where it's most dynamic, as explained before the rest is low contrast.

It also has a shaded floor so it doesn't look like it's floating in mid air.

Light And Shadow On Various Objects (Top Image)
The simple objects composition shows various ways of shading objects going from low contrast to a more dynamic approach, you can see the cone uses a lot more lighter values where as the cubes shading uses a more dynamic appearance.

You can see that the light source of each of those objects is to the left hence why the shadows are opposite it, the highlights also differ depending on the object.

Light And Shadow On Various Objects (Middle Image)
The image is more of an experiment to see how various hatching styles effect shading on an object, overall they're poorly presented as the shadows are to large for the object being hit by the light. 

It's difficult to tell where the light source is and because of this there aren't many highlights in any of the images.

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