Saturday 6 October 2012

Week 3 - Composition Drawing

Week 3 - Composition Drawing

Larger Composition Piece (Top Image)

The image at the top was the first piece of the week and was a study of the landscape at this university, due to the composition being about placement and arrangement it was crucial that the objects within the piece appear correct in size and it does indeed show correct proportions as you can clearly see the tree is larger in size than that of the sign for example. 

The depth with in the piece has again like week 2 shown an understanding of a foreground, middle ground and background. You can see the bushes in the background have a silhouette where as the trees in the middle contain the shading and the foreground has next to no detail at all, It could've included a little more towards the value of the image as it feels empty lighting wise in order to prevent this next time it should include shadows and a sky. 

Their is balance with in the lighting on both sides due to the shading on the trees.

The line has been presented clearly with the flow of the trees, almost as though they're all connected to each other however the bold shading on the trees provides the fact that they're not connected.

There are very little kissing objects as well although the sign is kissing a silhouette bush on the right side and the horizon line is clearly indicated at the bottom of the trees.

Multiple Composition Pieces (Bottom Image)

For directed study multiple compositions were produced in order for us to understand the theory of structuring our work correctly, below I've explained each attempt very simply as it would go on far to long if I detailed each one.

Attempt 1
Was the attempt of understanding orthogonal lines more however failed due to the foreshortening not appearing on the structures on the roof of the building. 

Attempt 2 
The clock tower was the perfect choice for a portrait sized composition although again it looks flat due to the orthogonal lines not appearing enough, it also could've shown foreshortening on the details of the clock.

Attempt 3
This was an attempt to show multiple structures in a small space, failed due to the buildings looking cut in half along with no representation of depth.

Attempt 4
The cube buildings seen in the circular composition show a sense of depth as the background buildings are shaded, in my opinion the most successful attempt at depth.

Attempt 5
Showed knowledge of environment as it included foliage unlike other compositions on the page along with structures.

Attempt 6
Had the most detail however no real focal point was presented along with a large amount of objects kissing.

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